Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Duggar's

Tonight I watched the season finale of 19 Kids and Counting. I knew what I was in for watching it. Having gone through my personal tragedy. This episode Jim Bob and Michelle were going for the big ultrasound, 18-20wk scan. They were supposed to find out the gender. Instead they got devastating news. Every pregnant woman's nightmare. There was no heart beat. Their response was this, "The Lord gives and takes away, Blessed be the Lord.". The way they handled that showed so much strength, yes they cried as expected.

How many of us were able to respond like that? When I got the news that Faith had a lethal form of dwarfism all I can say, "Why God?". I had so much anger and resentment for that. I didn't understand why He would take my baby girl away from me. The child we wanted, the child we love so much. Through this though Will and I are stronger. We learned to trust God. That is the hardest thing to do. The other day it came to me, we went through the test of Faith. Even though we have had to endure sorrow and grief, at the end will be Joy.

Thank you for reading my thoughts. Thank you Duggar family for sharing that difficult area in your life. If you only knew how many lives will be affected by this episode. Hoping that the viewing audience will find hope and healing as they go through their loss.


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