Thursday, January 26, 2012


Well I am 23 weeks and 3 days pregnant. It is just exciting. I am now starting to feel the kicks a lot now. Today I was relaxed on the couch enjoying a snack I noticed the kicks are getting stronger. What an awesome feeling. When I was pregnant with Faith I did not feel the kicks like this at this point of the pregnancy. I felt them more at around 30 weeks. I am now also experiencing the discomforts of pregnancy such was being winded so quickly. Today at work I had my lunch and just as my lunch break was finished I was running to the washroom because the sudden urge to get sick came. It was so embarrassing as interviews were being done. I am thinking maybe it was the Twix bar I had. As I was trying to work I am feeling the pressure around my waistline. I finally clued in, the baby has the foot or had at the waist and the pressure was making feel sick. Again, I experienced that a lot when I was pregnant with Faith. It is like the baby is saying, "Mom you need to sit down and relax". How can you do that when you are at work? So when I got home I just got comfy on the couch and relaxed then I started to feel better. My hubby even put my feet on a cushion and put a blanket on me just to make sure I am comfy, I know I am spoiled rotten. Hurry up May! Hurry Up!!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Getting Ready

As it is getting closer to the baby's due date I am getting more excited. It is also a reminder that we need to start to get the baby's room ready. Honestly, it has been a struggle to do that. I have been afraid to go a head with it. Baby had a clean bill of health. So many mixed emotions, so excited but so scared. This weekend we were supposed to see a movie together but I really had the desire to start to get the room ready instead. We had two movies in mind that we wanted to see but none of them were playing in the area. I guess we are supposed to get start getting the room ready.

Getting really excited we have booked our 3D ultrasound. I cannot wait. Hopefully we can find out the gender.

I would just like to send out a congratulations to all expectant Mom's out there! I am so happy that you get to share the joy. Those who are trying to conceive, I hope and pray that this is the year it happens!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back to the Gym!

Yesterday I finally got my butt to the gym after an absence of 1.5 months. It felt great to finally get there. I missed it. I even saw a friend of mine Krystal there. Wendi was there but I didn't get talk to her. This morning I am so tired and wiped out. Having a hard time figuring out if I should go. I just hate feeling so tired. I am afraid to push myself too hard and harm my baby. If I was not pregnant I would push myself to go.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

2011 In Review

2011 was a year of ups and downs. It started off bad but ended really well.

It started with Will losing his job. At first we were in unbelief. It was not an easy time for us finacially living paycheck to paycheck. How in the world can we live off my income alone? We are able to get capitalization on our mortgage payments so that helped us out. We still had a hard time though making ends meet. We still had not gotten over losing our daughter and that was just the icing on the cake. I was feeling like we were cursed or something. I am just thankful for family that has helped us out with food. Will got himself plugged into the John Howard Society and they worked with him to find employment. Will got hired on at Giant Tiger, in Whitby. They were opening a new store in Whitby. He was a couple wks away from starting then he got another employment opportunity in the field where he went to school for as a PSW. He is so happy now. He loves his job! I am so proud of my husband.

It came up to Faith's one year anniversary. I booked that time for my vacation because I just did not want to be around people at work and take out my mood on them. Will was working on her acutal birthday so we went up a couple days before alone and went together. On her acutal birthday a few of us went to the cemetary to remember her birthday. I am so blessed to have family and friends there with us. We went out for lunch with my friend Andrea. It was a nice time with her. I have gotten to know her a lot more and I am so blessed. The morning of Faith's anniversary I logged into facebook and learned of Will's Aunt Trudy's passing. We were just shocked. I did not get to know her that well, but when I did see her I saw a wonderful woman. The little time I got to know her I saw a woman who was loving and open. She also told you straight from the heart. I also got to meet some of Will's family as well this year, James, Suzie, John, Ken, Christopher and Scott.

The past year was an emotional rollercoaster. I had my good days and I had defintatley had my bad days. I have met some friends on facebook who have gone through the loss of their baby due to TD. I have had the chance to be there for others and see my friends welcome their rainbow babies. At the same time hoping and praying for my rainbow baby to come. There were a few times where I thought we finally got it and then I was disappointed to know we didn't. In September I was a few days late, and I didn't think too much about it. I had gotten sick with a cold and wanted some relief but the thought of being late was going in my head. I honestly didn't think I was pregnant I thought I was late because I just lost around 20lbs. Just to make sure I took a home test and sure enought it came back postive. I was so shocked! At that point I just gave up and focused on trying to lose weight. So just afer a year from Faith's original due date I got pregnant! The excitment of being pregnant was so there but at the same time I was so nervous. What if it happened again? Can I honestley really go through that again? Only time will tell. Went through the IPS test and everything is clear. I was so happy. At 15 wks I had an ultrasound just to ease my mind before Christmas and measurements were good. Then 19 wks came and we got the best news ever! Baby is growing normal. I just cried like a baby.

Christmas was awesome! My Dad came out to visit over Christmas. I think the last Christmas I spent with my dad was when I was a baby. So that was a blessing. Christmas is a busy time for my family. On the 23 is my Mom's birthday. That is when we have Justin over and do Christmas with him. Christmas Eve, Dad, Mom, Will and I went to Candlelight Service. Christmas Day was my side of the family. Mom, Dad, Jon, Maryann and Kyle. My Uncle Dave and Aunt Corrine stopped in for a visit too. I was even blessed with Christamas Eve and Boxing Day off as well. December 11 was the Farrow Family Christmas celebration. It was at Hillsdale where Will's Dad is. It was a great time. This year I did not win the Christmas trivia trophy. John's wife Suzie won. New Year's did not go that well. I was sick with the stomach flu all weekend.

2012 is going to be an exciting year for us. We are looking forward to welcoming our new addition around May 21, 2012.

I pray that 2012 will be a great year for everyone!

Happy New Year and all the best in 2012
