Monday, September 16, 2024

I am horrible

I keep forgetting that I have this blog, that is why I am horrible.  Trying to keep up with it all has been a challenge.  Life is great! 

July 2022 I completed my PSW program at Trillium College, with honors! When I first got the idea in my head to go back to school at 43 yrs old, I was thinking am I crazy? I am too old for this.  However I am glad I didn't listen to that voice in my head.  It wasn't easy trying to balance out family life, school and and still trying to work through it all.  The thing I appreciate the most was my family, Mom and Will they stepped up to help out with Joy.  It wasn't easy.  I missed my family in that time.  My schedule was class 8 am to 1 pm class, then 2-3 pm to 9:30 pm work.  Then when I a started placement 6/7 am to 3 pm. Sunday to Friday (the last few weeks as I had to get my hours in as I was out for 3 weeks due to COVID hitting my whole household, including myself).  It was a challenge, however in the end it was totally worth it.

I got my first job at a Long Term Care facility, however I didn't like it.  The distance was difficult, and the staff I worked with where not so friendly.  I still had my retail job still.  So I didn't pick up any shifts at the LTC and worked at the retail job.  At the same time I kept applying at at other places.  November 2022 I got hired on at a LTC/Hospital and I am loving it.  

Being a PSW is rewarding, yes there are challenges.  Seeing the residents/patients smile, or that one who just gives you a hug out of the blue and even say how much they appreciate you and the gratefulness from from the families.  Some of challenges a PSW faces, dealing with ones who can be violent, or resistant because they have dementia and they don't understand you are trying to help them but they think you are trying to harm them.  When the resident or patient you cared for passes away it is hard.  If you are going to be a PSW for the money, stay out of it.  It takes heart, and compassion and a desire to serve others.  



Wednesday, November 23, 2022

So Much to Share

 I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything.  I actually forgot about this blog to be honest with you.

First of all, Joy she is 10 yrs old.  It is so hard to believe how long it's been.  She is turning into a young lady.  

In November 2021, I took a big step of faith and went back to school to take the Personal Support Worker Course at Trillium College.  That is one choice I do not regret.  It was not easy trying to be a wife, Mom and trying to maintain my full time job.  My day would start at 8 am to 1 pm for school then work from 3-9:30.  It was so exhausting.  Then when placement started it was 6/7 am to 3 pm then work 5-9:30.  However I did experience one obstacle, I had to be off placement for 3 weeks as COVID went through our home.  Thankfully we did not get it severe.  When I returned I was working placement 6 days a week plus my job.  I had to get my placement hours done.  Then I wrote my NACC Exam and passed.  It was all worth it.  I graduated with honors.  The only downfall was we didn't get a graduation ceremony.  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Merry Christmas

From my family to yours, wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Apple Picking October 11, 2014

This past weeks my family went to Watson's Farms in Bowmanville, Ontario. This Summer/Fall has been many firsts. I seem to be doing things with Joy that I never got to experience  in my childhood.  So I feel like a little kid all over again. 

When we first arrived Will and I took her to the front where there where pumpkins. Row after row. They had orange pumpkins, white pumpkins and ones with bumps on them. Joy just walked through them row on row. Pointing to them. Then we got our ride to the orchard to pick apples. Honestly I was worried that I might get stung by wasps. I was surprised I did not see that many. Joy ate a whole apple. She really likes the red delicious. I tried a northern spy apple, I got a few bites and she took my apple. 

These moments are so precious. I am one blesses woman! Thank you Jesus!!


Monday, September 22, 2014


On Saturday afternoon I finished my shift. As I was getting ready to punch out Sabrina and Massimo where standing there. I was so excited. My closest friend came out from Missisauga to visit. I alway enjoy my time with her. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Been a while!!!

I know I have not posted in a while. Life has been so busy trying to balance it all out has been a challange. Hard to believe Joy is two years old I look at her and she has gone from looking like a little baby to a little girl. 

This past weekend, Joy and I went to our first Ribfest. We both loved it. Joy went on some carnival rides. She loved it. 



This past weekend my cousin Cheryle and Teresa and my Uncle Reg came over for a visit. It was a great afternoon. I was expecting Joy to make strange but she didn't. She loved them all especially her Uncle Reg. 
