Thursday, November 24, 2011

This Christmas

So this is going to be an exciting Christmas for me. My Dad is coming for Christmas. I have only spend one Christmas with him and that was my first one.... in 1978. So this is big! I will be spending it with both parents, and my brother and his family and of course my husband!!!!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2nd Trimester

It is hard to believe that I am now in my second trimester. It just seemed like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant. I seemed to have bypassed the morning sickness. Maybe that is why time seems to be going fast. I am so happy. May 21, cannot come fast enough. So far I am feeling optimistic that this baby is going to be healthy. I am so happy that Christmas is coming. This past weekend the Christmas Tree went up. Decorations are up. This Christmas is going to be special. My Dad is going to be here. That means a lot to me. Anna

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today's workout

This morning Will and I went to the gym together. I love it when we get to work out together. I did 22 mins on the treadmill, 15 mins on the elliptical and bicep curls. I even got my hubby to take a pic of me.


Thursday, November 3, 2011


Yesterday was my IPS screening ultrasound. It went well. I am pleased to share that the Nuchal Translucency was 1.1mm. That is good. As long as it was under 3mm. Faith measured 5mm. That is a big difference. I am more optimistic this baby is healthy.



Here I am on the bus and so annoyed. A wheelchair was getting on and the bus driver asked for seats to be cleared and the two people who had strollers would not move. It makes me mad to see that. So the wheelchair parked in the walkway so therefore making it difficult for passengers to get on. What part do you not get??? The front of the bus is meant for people with disabilities. Show some respect!